A pulse acoustic wave and its relationship with OAO flurescence are recorded.
记录了CO_ 2脉冲激光激发BCl_3分子时形成的脉冲声波,及其与OAO荧光的对应关系.
互联网Piezoelectric ceramic is used widely for ultrasonic surface Acoustic wave touch screen.
互联网The result is consistent with the data of acoustic wave instrument.
互联网Acoustic wave is the only information carrier which can propagate long distances in sea water.
互联网Chebychev spectral elements approximation of the acoustic wave equation first - order Clayton - Engquist - Majda absorbing boundary conditions was derived.
推导并实现了带吸收边界条件的二 维 波动方程的切比雪夫谱元解法.
互联网Surface Acoustic Wave Components , Capacitors, EMC Filters , NTC Thermistors , PTC Thermistors, Ferrites & Accessories, Inductors, Microwave Ceramics, Arrestors, RF Modules etc.
声表面波元件, 电容器, 电源滤波器, 热敏电阻,压敏电阻, 铁氧体磁心 与 附件, 电感器件, 微波陶瓷元件, 气件放电管, 射频前羰模块等等.
互联网Chemical sensing film is the key component of surface acoustic wave ( SAW ) gas sensor.
化学吸附敏感膜是声表面波 ( SAW ) 气体传感器的关键组成部分.
互联网For very high frequency clocks, a surface acoustic wave ( SAW ) oscillator is preferable.
对于非常高的频率时钟, 用声 表面波 振荡器更好.
互联网Biot ( 1956 ) established a fundamental theory of acoustic wave propagation through a fluid saturated porous elastic medium.
互联网A new passive and wireless Surface Acoustic Wave ( SAW ) sensor array is introduced.
介绍了一种新型的无源、无线声 表面波 传感系统.
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